gVim Easy
gvim : An editor that can handle huge files it is very powerful and I use it for proyect notes and other things, you can program with is as it is has syntax coloured features (See figure) . I use gVim when my fingers are tired of Emacs (you need pianist fingers to use Emacs lol)it is also a good substitute of Notepad as it is coloured, much more performant and pleasant to use. You can donwload it from: http://www.vim.org/download.php To customize this editor you need to edit the _vimrc file Samples To change font style: set guifont=Courier_New:h10 Change color scheme: colors elflord Set return on word (word wouldn't be cutted on line return): set lbr The list of colors schemes is under the \vim72\colors folder Customize color scheme I've created my own customized file from the elflord.vim scheme to elflordcustomized.vim here is what it looks like: " local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis: " vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4 " Vim col...