Solving DSL problems
It has been a nightmare all these last months with Free ADSL connection problems. After 4 visits from their technicians they change the Freebox V5 and one week later the problems were still there! I've tried the ferrite bead trick, it helped to get a little bit more signal, the ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode) indicator went up 100 only (I was at 3000/4000 k when the usual is 9000/1000 k/seconds) and no TV, internet, telephone. But yesterday I decided to by a new ADSL filter and a new RJ11 cable . The ADSL filter is a Belkin one and the cable is a 10 meters cable of good quality, I had a 15 meters cable of lower quality. I plugged everything and BOOM! The ATM indicator went up to 9700 k/s for the first time!