
Showing posts from March, 2012

How to Root the Motolola Milestone XT-720 Easily

ROOTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Put your Motorola Milestone into “USB Debugging Mode”. To do it, go to “Applications”—> “Settings” –> “Applications” –> “Development” –> and check the box “USB debugging”. 2. Connect the Motorola Milestone to your computer using USB Cable. 3. Open the download the extracted folder content “SuperOneClickv1.6.5-ShortFuse” and run the executable “SuperOneClick.exe”. 4. Click on “Root” button. In few seconds, your Motorola Milestone XT720 should get rooted! You now have full file system access and can now install apps that need root access for working.

Disassemble iphone 4

I've got this iphone 4 water damaged for repair. I've found this Apple item too fragile, if you drop it into the water your phone is dead! Well, here is how I've disassemble this iphone 4: First I unscrewed the two bottom screws and took off the back cover: The inside of the iphone looked like this, you can see the white spot (water detector) next to the batery connector, when is alright is usually red, but if your phone gets wet it will turn white: I've tried the well know tip:  put it in a rice bag and leave it. The rice will absorb all humidity and the phone will work after some time:  This didn't work as the iphone was wet log time before it got to my hands and was also disassembled by somebody, so I continued to disassemble it to see if I coud fix it:   I've found very useful the disassemble chart, it helps you keep all pieces organized so you can assemble easily later (I've forgot where I downloaded from, I think it is from the irevive site, y...