Free Mobile Theme for Drupal 6
Mobile Mini is a mobile theme for Drupal 6 that I've created free for you to use. In my previous post I showed you how to create a mobile site with Drupal 6 . I had spent some time to find a simple mobile theme, a simple and good looking one and as I could not find one I created one myself. To download it here is the Google Docs Link: Mobile Mini Once you see the Google Docs page do Ctrl+S and it will be saved to a zip file in your computer Installation Download the Mobile Mini theme Extract the contents to your sites/all/themes -folder. Enable the theme in Administer > Site building > Themes This is really the first version of theme where on the front page you can only see the main Primary Links transformed into menu links. The theme is light and it loads fast I will put some work into it soon, and as it is really simple you are free to modify it and change colors or styles as you want. This is a GNU General Public License program just put a link to my si...