
Showing posts from 2013

Vim Green Black Color Scheme

Vim has become my most used writing and light programming tool. I've tried different color schemes and finally created my own. It's green and dark green on a black background. I've set the cursor color magenta to quickly find where you are at when editing. A color scheme it's a very particular thing and you may even want to create your own! As you can see this Vim green black color scheme  it's very relaxing for the eyes. I've called this Vim theme defaultme.vim and here is the color file: " Vim color file " Maintainer:    Maria " Last Change:    2013 Dec " This is a Vim dark color scheme with black background and green foreground colors hi clear if version > 580     " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop     " complaining     hi clear     if exists("syntax_on")         syntax reset     endif endif " Load th...

Chinese New Year In Paris

If there is town to find the celebration of Chinese new year in Paris, that it is the 13th arrondissement known as the Chinatown by excellence. 30,000 people from China and many other asian countries live here. Like every year, the 13th offers you a parade that will bring together thousands of people from every where. What is the Chinese New Year Celebration The celebration of the Chinese new year is, originally, the feast of the winter solstice, which marked the end of this period of extreme cold and the upcoming beautiful days. This festival dates back from ancient times and, at the time, was especially celebrated by farmers. Eating together at new year's Eve symbolizes the meeting of the family, prosperity, happiness and health.  In General, round foods bring happiness and symbolize eternity. This is the reason why raviolis they are abundantly served in times of feast.  Fire is an essential element of the new chinese new year. Why? To hunt demons and evil spirits...

MacBook Pro Early 2008 Upgrade SSD

I'm upgrading the MacBook Pro with a SSD drive, Crucial M4 SSD 256Gb, so here is how to do it, sept by step. Here are the tools and the SSD drive: You will need a Phillips 00 Screwdriver and a Torx T6 Screwdriver. This SSD driver is 9.5 mm thick, but you can install a 7 mm one with an adapter. First of all remove the battery.  Then the phillips screws from the memory door.   Lift the memory door and pull from it gently. Then remove the two phillips screws inside the battery compartment. Now remove the two torx by the sides of the RAM slot. Remove also the four phillips screws along the hinge. Remove the four Phillips screws on this side, they are very small (3.2mm) Remove the two small Phillips screws from the back. Then remove four more on this side. Lift the upper case very slowly, do not pull from it as there is a ribbon cable connected to the logic board, just free the sides ver gently. There are four plastic clips over the DVD slot...

Windows User Macbook Switcher Experiences

I was a Windows user and I'd like to share with you my Macbook experiences. I've just got a wonderful present: a Macbook pro Early 2008 A1260. I must say that I am really happy with it and at the same time nostalgic of my old IBM T42 which has accompanied me so faithfully all these years. Windows vs Macbook Pro Keyboard Equivalent keys and shortcuts Function Windows Macbook Pro Ctrl Cmd Take cursor to the first position Start (Home) Fn + left arrow Take cursor to the last position End Fn + right arrow Delete Delete Fn + Backspace Ctrl + Alt + Del Cmd + Alt + Esc Print screen (picture will appear on your desktop) Print screen Cmd + Shift + 3 Installing & uninstalling applications Install an application: Drag it to the App folder Uninstall an application: Drag it to the Trash Go to desktop Another handy Windows function is the desktop feature: you click on the desktop icon and there you are! From now on you will use F11 Expose Will show all you...

Beach Umbrella Repair with a Wire

Imagine a beautiful day on the beach and you are under your umbrella beach to protect you from the warming sun. Then a strong gust of wind makes your umbrella beach comes appart, the wire pole breaks and all the spokes are loose. Your parasol looks like a big lettuce upside down. Well, that's exactly what happened to me and I needed an urgent beach umbrella repair. I only had my tool box with me and I needed a strong wire but I was in a holiday flat, so where to find it? I looked around and then I saw a couple of cloth pegs and guess what? The wire was there, a really strong one!. I only had to take it off with my pliers and give it a round form to fit the beach umbrella pole. Beach umbrella repaired with a wire Well, it took me some time and a little bit of patience but I finally got my beach umbrella repaired and could continue to use it on the beach.:)

How to Change the Gear Shift Knob of the Peugeot 306

Well, last week the gear shift knob of my car got teared down in my hand as I was driving as you can see it in the picture. It was so really broken that the official knob from Peugeot would not fit anymore. The good thing about it is that now I can replace it by a nice one. But it was a real pain to figure out how to dismount it, the main thing is to lift up the leather bag around it first, from the bottom and then turn the knob twice to the left and then pull from it till it comes off . As you can see the white base support was broken too, so I had to dismount the whole thing and look for an universal knob to replace it. Well here is the gear shift itself all alone, I had to stick around it a piece of plastic and then tighten it up with a wire (I did this with my pliers to hold it tight), so that the leather bag will not move down later. Here is the new knob, it has a nice fairy on it, well, I know you are smiling :) but it was the only one in the store one that fitted...

Sitemap.xml with Drupal order by lastmod

If you have a Drupal 6 based site, you've probably installed the xmlsitemap module which works fairly well. A few days ago I reviewd mine and I saw that links were generated with no particular order, so I decided that it is good to show them ordered by lastmod to get the latest post first. To make this work you need to change the source code of the xmlsitemap module file: Do a backup first! And just find the function: $query = array(     'SELECT'   => 'SELECT x.loc, x.lastmod, x.changefreq,  x.changecount, x.priority, x.language',     'FROM'     => 'FROM {xmlsitemap} x',     'WHERE'    => 'WHERE x.access = 1 AND x.status = 1',     'ORDER BY' => 'ORDER BY x.language, x.loc',   ); and change it to: $query = array(     'SELECT'   => 'SELECT x.loc, x.lastmod, x.changefreq, x.changecount, x.priority,

How To Root HTC ONE X

 To root HTC One X you will need: HTC One X USB cable Battery charged 100% full Unlock Bootloader through HTC web Recovery CLockWorkMod  Nandroid Backup The file SuperSu/Root Your computer Create a folder in your hard disc c:/fastboot Remember that only you are responsible for any damage you do to your phone, so do it to your own risk. Before you start do a backup of all data in your phone and then: Step 1: Unlock the Bootloader Enable USB debugging: Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging (please check this post for HTC here , read the part to unlock the Bootloader, it is the same procedure for the HTC one, then come back here) Step 2: Install Recovery CLockWorkMod In your computer create the folder c:/fastboot Donwload the file ( ) and copy it to the c:/fastboot fold...

Converting PDF Files To Excel

Did you ever had to convert a PDF file into its original Excel version? Some peope save their Excel file into PDF format for security or printing layout issues. But what if you need back the Excel version of the file to work on data? I gave a try to and submitted a PDF with tabular data in it (it was an Excel file originally) so I uploaded to their site expecting to get and Excel to work back on. They also offer a desktop application (about 129$), so if your data is confidential your can transform it in your computer. PDF File with Tabular data Once converted, here is the Excel file: So it maybe useful when you've got no access to the original Excel file, the only thing is that you need to enter your email address to donwload the converted file.

Firefox Plugin Container Slows Down my Computer?

Firefox latest versions are really cpu consumer so I tried disabling plugin-container.exe process to see if I could solve this problem. This is how to do it: Type about:config and ignore the "you may loose your warranty" message, just accept the "I'll be careful message", nothing wrong happens, really. Type ipc in the search box. Set all the boolean parameters to false and all numeric values to 1, right click on the values and then modify to change them. Here is how it looks, just click to see a bigger image:  It seems to work for me, so far, with Firefox 20.

Turn Vim Into WriteRoom

You know that WriteRoom is a software that is made to help you write distraction free. But the thing is that it only exists for Mac, which is not my world really. I use Vim for writing instead :) and I've managed to tweak it and fashion it so I've got all I need for writing. The only feature I haven't got yes it's full screen mode, I know there is a plugin for it but I haven't make it work under Windows yet. Well, the first thing is to install Vim , that you can download from: once you've got Vim you need the vimroom plugin installed. Vimroom will make the text centered, like having a left margin and a right margin to make reading and writing easy on your eyes. So download Vimroom from: To install the plugin is really easy, just copy the vimroom.vim file under the plugin folder of your Vim installation. Then to make vimroom work open your vimrc file to set up config...

Blogger H1 Tag on Post Pages Only

All Blogger templates uses the H2 or H3 as header tags, but for a better SEO is best to use the H1 tag only ONCE in every post page. The problem is that if you change the H2 tag into the H1 in a blogger template, then you've got the home page that lists your latest posts with multiple H1 tags. So here is how to solve this: Click on: Template -> Edit HTML Check: Expand Widget Template Copy everything into a file to make a backup. Then find this block of code:   <b:if cond='data:post.title'>       < h3 class='post-title entry-title'>       <b:if cond=''>         <a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a>       <b:else/>         <b:if cond='data:post.url'>           <b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.u...

Turn Your HTC Desire S into a Microscope

You can turn your HTC Desire S into a microscope with a drop of water and it works! I just woke up today with the idea: hey! what if I turn my HTC into a microscope?. So I just put a tiny drop of water on the camera lens using a dropper I made sure that the water drop was right in the middle of the camera's lens because the drop is smaller than the lens. Also if the drop is too big it falls down when you turn the phone, so patience. Once I got the water's drop right size and turn my phone I took these pictures: My hand: My hand's skin detail And here is an image of one of my hairs: One hair under the HTC microscope A part of a little flower: A small flower microscope size The same little flower before the microscope transformation: The same small flower in normal size The hardest part was trying to hold the phone still because the slightest movement produced flurry pictures and the water drop moved too! I've heard of small ball lens which a...

Root HTC Wildfire S with Wildfire Toolkit

If you've got an HTC Wildfire S you can root it with the HTC Wildfire S Toolkit that you can download form XDA developers forum. There are many new tools for newbees to root your smartphone in one click, which you can do with Wildfire S Toolkit , well in fact it takes a few clicks but you can do it all from the Toolkit itself. In order to root the HTC Wildfire S you need to unlock the bootloader and then flash a recovery. As always, do this at your own risk as you are only responsible for any damage you do to your phone, and besides that you may loose the warranty. So, before you start:     Enable USB de-bugging mode on your phone settings and uninstall HTC Sync Tool if installed     Close all active applications     Disable antivirus By following these steps you can root the HTC Wildfire S, install drivers and lock and unlock the bootloader: Step 1. Download the toolkit from

Make a Sitemap Page in Blogger

This is about how to make sitemap page in blogger to show all posts you've published. This sitemap will update automatically each time you create a new post. To make it work it is not necessary to edit the Blogger template code, just follow these steps: Create a new page (not a new post). Click on the HTML tab. Copy the following code inside: <script> var numposts = 1000; var showpostdate = true; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 200; </script> <script> function rp(json) { document.write('<ul>'); for (var i = 0; i < numposts; i++) { document.write('<li>'); var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; var posttitle = entry.title.$t; var posturl; if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break; for (var k = 0; k <; k++) { if ([k].rel == 'alternate') { posturl =[k].href; break; } } posttitle =; var readmorelink = "(more)"; readmorelink =

The Motorola X Phone Better than the iPhone and Samsung

Up to now Samsung and Apple have been dominating the smartphone market with 50% market share between them and have for the moment no serious competitor. Nokia, BlackBerry, HTC, ZTE, Huawei, and Sony, all these manufacturers are in the second division and Motorola and is actually part of it. But according to the Australian site Smarthouse, Hugh Bradlow, Director of Technology at Telstra (first operator in the country), have told his team that the future of Motorola smartphone will change the market and "put pressure on Samsung and Apple." The Motorola X Phone is the first true smartphone produced under the control of Google, and could be released this summer, maybe on the presentation in three months at the Google I / O that will be from the 15th to 17th May. All indications are that this will be the first smartphone to be accompanied by a future version of Android (5.0 or Key Lime Pie). But the other devices will also benefit from the new Adroid version shortly after so...

Should I Buy Sony Xperia U?

Well, I just sold mine, so my advice is no, don't buy it. But it is just my advice. Before buying an Xperia U decide if you like the led lighting system because you would not be able to turn it off easily. Decide if you would like to have a phone without sd card memory (you will always be limited to the 8 Gb memory built in) . Decide if you would like to have a phone running on Ginger Bread only (for some versions the official upgrade to Ice Cream is not available) The proximity sensor problem This seems to be some kind of bug. At first I though that this was a hardware problem, but not really. Whenever I answered a call the sensor didn't detect that I had it next to my ear, so the call was ended when I touched the screen accidentaly with my chin when I smiled :) To enter Sony Xperia U Service Menu I've typed:  *#*#7378423#*#*   and the proximity service test was perfect, at first it was OFF then when I put my finger on it it displayed OFF, so the hardware wa...