
Showing posts from February, 2013

Make a Sitemap Page in Blogger

This is about how to make sitemap page in blogger to show all posts you've published. This sitemap will update automatically each time you create a new post. To make it work it is not necessary to edit the Blogger template code, just follow these steps: Create a new page (not a new post). Click on the HTML tab. Copy the following code inside: <script> var numposts = 1000; var showpostdate = true; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 200; </script> <script> function rp(json) { document.write('<ul>'); for (var i = 0; i < numposts; i++) { document.write('<li>'); var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; var posttitle = entry.title.$t; var posturl; if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break; for (var k = 0; k <; k++) { if ([k].rel == 'alternate') { posturl =[k].href; break; } } posttitle =; var readmorelink = "(more)"; readmorelink =

The Motorola X Phone Better than the iPhone and Samsung

Up to now Samsung and Apple have been dominating the smartphone market with 50% market share between them and have for the moment no serious competitor. Nokia, BlackBerry, HTC, ZTE, Huawei, and Sony, all these manufacturers are in the second division and Motorola and is actually part of it. But according to the Australian site Smarthouse, Hugh Bradlow, Director of Technology at Telstra (first operator in the country), have told his team that the future of Motorola smartphone will change the market and "put pressure on Samsung and Apple." The Motorola X Phone is the first true smartphone produced under the control of Google, and could be released this summer, maybe on the presentation in three months at the Google I / O that will be from the 15th to 17th May. All indications are that this will be the first smartphone to be accompanied by a future version of Android (5.0 or Key Lime Pie). But the other devices will also benefit from the new Adroid version shortly after so...