Turn Vim Into WriteRoom
You know that WriteRoom is a software that is made to help you write distraction free. But the thing is that it only exists for Mac, which is not my world really. I use Vim for writing instead :) and I've managed to tweak it and fashion it so I've got all I need for writing. The only feature I haven't got yes it's full screen mode, I know there is a plugin for it but I haven't make it work under Windows yet. Well, the first thing is to install Vim , that you can download from: http://www.vim.org/download.php once you've got Vim you need the vimroom plugin installed. Vimroom will make the text centered, like having a left margin and a right margin to make reading and writing easy on your eyes. So download Vimroom from: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3766 To install the plugin is really easy, just copy the vimroom.vim file under the plugin folder of your Vim installation. Then to make vimroom work open your vimrc file to set up config...