
Showing posts from March, 2013

Turn Vim Into WriteRoom

You know that WriteRoom is a software that is made to help you write distraction free. But the thing is that it only exists for Mac, which is not my world really. I use Vim for writing instead :) and I've managed to tweak it and fashion it so I've got all I need for writing. The only feature I haven't got yes it's full screen mode, I know there is a plugin for it but I haven't make it work under Windows yet. Well, the first thing is to install Vim , that you can download from: once you've got Vim you need the vimroom plugin installed. Vimroom will make the text centered, like having a left margin and a right margin to make reading and writing easy on your eyes. So download Vimroom from: To install the plugin is really easy, just copy the vimroom.vim file under the plugin folder of your Vim installation. Then to make vimroom work open your vimrc file to set up config...

Blogger H1 Tag on Post Pages Only

All Blogger templates uses the H2 or H3 as header tags, but for a better SEO is best to use the H1 tag only ONCE in every post page. The problem is that if you change the H2 tag into the H1 in a blogger template, then you've got the home page that lists your latest posts with multiple H1 tags. So here is how to solve this: Click on: Template -> Edit HTML Check: Expand Widget Template Copy everything into a file to make a backup. Then find this block of code:   <b:if cond='data:post.title'>       < h3 class='post-title entry-title'>       <b:if cond=''>         <a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a>       <b:else/>         <b:if cond='data:post.url'>           <b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.u...

Turn Your HTC Desire S into a Microscope

You can turn your HTC Desire S into a microscope with a drop of water and it works! I just woke up today with the idea: hey! what if I turn my HTC into a microscope?. So I just put a tiny drop of water on the camera lens using a dropper I made sure that the water drop was right in the middle of the camera's lens because the drop is smaller than the lens. Also if the drop is too big it falls down when you turn the phone, so patience. Once I got the water's drop right size and turn my phone I took these pictures: My hand: My hand's skin detail And here is an image of one of my hairs: One hair under the HTC microscope A part of a little flower: A small flower microscope size The same little flower before the microscope transformation: The same small flower in normal size The hardest part was trying to hold the phone still because the slightest movement produced flurry pictures and the water drop moved too! I've heard of small ball lens which a...

Root HTC Wildfire S with Wildfire Toolkit

If you've got an HTC Wildfire S you can root it with the HTC Wildfire S Toolkit that you can download form XDA developers forum. There are many new tools for newbees to root your smartphone in one click, which you can do with Wildfire S Toolkit , well in fact it takes a few clicks but you can do it all from the Toolkit itself. In order to root the HTC Wildfire S you need to unlock the bootloader and then flash a recovery. As always, do this at your own risk as you are only responsible for any damage you do to your phone, and besides that you may loose the warranty. So, before you start:     Enable USB de-bugging mode on your phone settings and uninstall HTC Sync Tool if installed     Close all active applications     Disable antivirus By following these steps you can root the HTC Wildfire S, install drivers and lock and unlock the bootloader: Step 1. Download the toolkit from