
Showing posts from 2021

Insulate garage door with pipe foam

 To insulate the bottom of the garage door in a very easily and cheap way I just bought 3 meters of pipe insulating foam for 3 euros. The pipe insulation foam is very flexible and light and a very cheap material to keep the pipes from freezing in winter and comes as tubes with an opening in the side to easily adapt them to the pipe. I though of using this opening side or pre-slit to put it on the bottom of the garage door. This is not a complete insulation method for a garage door but it helps a lot to keep the cold away. It took me less than five minutes to adapt the foam to the bottom of the door. Here is a short video on how I did it

Repair a wash machine drum paddle

How to easily replace a broken wash machine drum paddle. A drum paddle is a plastic piece inside the drum of the washing machine used to guide or push clothes while washing. If one of these paddles is broken the replace piece can easily be found for the wash machine model. In my case I ordered a set of three pieces for less than seven euros each. It was easy to replace it, at least for my wash machine model, once I have put the piece into the six holes position I just pushed towards the inside of the drum. I paused the video to use both hands for more precision but it was really easy to do. There is also a small metal tab that should be lifted up to keep the paddle in the good position. Some will tell you that you will need a special tool, but believe me, it is much more simple than that as I have just used my finger to do so. After placing the piece I have just wash my clothes and they are clean and fine. So I saved lots of money today by not calling a technician and repairing this by...

Use Atom for writing

 I use markdown for writing most of the time and I like a light tool to do it. Atom is an open source ide used mostly for web programming but it can easily be tuned to make of it a distraction free environment ideal for writing. I have updated the atom css style sheet to have a warm gray background color, easy on the eyes with a bold font weight. And also hid the gutter with line numbers, you do not need line numbers when writing usually. One good thing to do is uninstall or deactivate all unneeded packages to improve performance. I have installed the to display the number of written words on the bottom bar. It counts as you type. Text browsing by markdown tags Works out of the box with ctrl-r or cmd-r then you can type words on the search input to find an H2 title for example. Markdown with preview Another interesting package is markdown preview to works by pressing Crl-shift-m   Custom style.less...