
Showing posts from 2009

Zenburn theme for programmers color table

This table shows the names for the Zenburn color theme for coders and their hexadecimal values as well as the RGB values: Name Hexadecimal RGB Color Background #3f3f3f 63,63,63 Text Default #efefef 239,239,239 Keyword (bold) #f0dfaf 240,223,175 StorageClass (bold) #c3bf9f 195,191,159 Number #8cd0d3 140,208,211 Comment (Italic) #7f9f7f 127,159,127 Constant (Bold) #dca3a3 220,163,163 Special #cfbfaf 207,191,175 Function #efef8f 239,239,143 Statement #e3ceab 227,206,171 Identifier #efdcbc 239,220,188 Type #dfdfbf 223,223,191 String #cc9393 204,147,147 Exception (bold) #c3bf9f 195,191,159 You can use these colors to configure your favourite color theme.

gVim Easy

gvim : An editor that can handle huge files it is very powerful and I use it for proyect notes and other things, you can program with is as it is has syntax coloured features (See figure) . I use gVim when my fingers are tired of Emacs (you need pianist fingers to use Emacs lol)it is also a good substitute of Notepad as it is coloured, much more performant and pleasant to use. You can donwload it from: To customize this editor you need to edit the _vimrc file Samples To change font style: set guifont=Courier_New:h10 Change color scheme: colors elflord Set return on word (word wouldn't be cutted on line return): set lbr The list of colors schemes is under the \vim72\colors folder Customize color scheme I've created my own customized file from the elflord.vim scheme to elflordcustomized.vim here is what it looks like: " local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis: " vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4 " Vim col...

Edit blogger HTML

When changing the source code of the blogger template, sometimes you don't see changes and you do not know why. Well, this is what it's worked for me: When adding a new css property after having pressed enter for a new line press space twice (not the tab key) and it works! That's how I've changed my header background image in the template.

Mandriva Free 2010

Just installed Mandriva Free 2010. I wanted to test other Linux system than Ubuntu. Why always Ubuntu after all? Well I am greatly impressed by the ergonomy of this systems. I only had to install the firmware ipw2200 which I simply did by clicking on the rpm file, then restarted. I'm posting here somme useful commands, urpmi To install a package: urpmi nameofpackage Desinstall: urpme nameofpackage Both urpmi and urpme install and desintall packages with dependances . Well, dare to change!

Solving Wifi Problem with my ibm t42

I recently did a windows fresh install on my laptop ibm t42 but I didn't have the Cd's from IBM with all the drivers. So nothing worked! the Lenovo drivers page is so long and complicate.. Well, first I've installed all the drivers and if you ever need to do that to an Ibm laptop take your time to read the installations notes, because when you click once on the program it is only to uncompress the files, once this is done, you need to do a little research till you find an setup.exe file or autorun.exe I've finally got Internet working, but the wifi card was not recognised, if you ever get this problem the solution is to go to the Intel download site to get the Intel® PRO/Wireless and WiFi Link Drivers-Only for Windows XP* well, there you are! Then all there is to do it is to install the Lenovo drivers from the IBM site.

Repairing Sony Ericsson K750 joystick

The K750 was the first phone I've repaired. After a little while the joystick became almost useless , to the point that it didn't work at all. The main weakness of the K750 is the joystick, which is unprotected from outside dust or dirtyness, so I had to dismantle the cell and applied some contact cleaner spray to the base of the joystick, I've applied it a few times and then moved the joystick. Then when then reassembled phone and tested the joystick it worked perfectly!

Create a batch with a shorcut with Linux

Hello, I work from my Ubuntu distribution (Xubuntu), and then I've installed JDarkRoom to comfortably write my books with. I always take some time to remember how to create a batch file, make executable and then launch it from the desktop, so I can launch my application by clicking on the batch file, well here is how I did it: Create a batch file called and save it in the desktop. In the batch file I've put the following code: java -jar /home/myUserName/MyInstallationFolderName/JDarkRoom.jar Then I've made the batch file executable like this: chmod 0755 opening a terminal session and going to the Desktop folder Well, that's all, now I open my application by simply clicking on the batch file placed in my desktop. Very nice,

Mozart new masterpiece?

I'm trying to digg this out, I've heard that a new Mozart masterpiece has been found in Austria (the land of Mozart) this are incredible news! Such wonderful music, a real treasure to the world. From all clasics Mozart is my favourite, his music is fresh, always young, encouraging, expressing joy, the music I listen often before starting to work and at times while working. We need more of this wonderful things in our lives.


I've finally created my blog here. I'm going to write about everything: programming, recipes, articles, journeys, love.. well everything! I hope to see you here often! You love it And I would appreciate your feedback too!