Zenburn theme for programmers color table
This table shows the names for the Zenburn color theme for coders and their hexadecimal values as well as the RGB values:
You can use these colors to configure your favourite color theme.
Name | Hexadecimal | RGB | Color |
Background | #3f3f3f | 63,63,63 | |
Text Default | #efefef | 239,239,239 | |
Keyword (bold) | #f0dfaf | 240,223,175 | |
StorageClass (bold) | #c3bf9f | 195,191,159 | |
Number | #8cd0d3 | 140,208,211 | |
Comment (Italic) | #7f9f7f | 127,159,127 | |
Constant (Bold) | #dca3a3 | 220,163,163 | |
Special | #cfbfaf | 207,191,175 | |
Function | #efef8f | 239,239,143 | |
Statement | #e3ceab | 227,206,171 | |
Identifier | #efdcbc | 239,220,188 | |
Type | #dfdfbf | 223,223,191 | |
String | #cc9393 | 204,147,147 | |
Exception (bold) | #c3bf9f | 195,191,159 |
You can use these colors to configure your favourite color theme.
thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is one of my favorites themes for coding!