Configure Xampp on Windows
As you already know Xampp is a prepared environment to develop web applications with Apache, PHP and MySQL.
The good thing is that you don't have to spend time to install and configure these separately.
Once you've installed it you may have to configure Xampp on windows to adapt it to your needs though, so here you can see some tips and tricks to tune up your Xampp installation on Windows
Launch PHP on the command line
Add C:\xampp\php\ to your environment variable windows PATH
Append your XAMPP PHP directory at the back of what is already there ;C:\xampp\php\
Increase PHP memory limit
Edit php.ini in c:/xampp/php/php.ini
change memory_limit to whatever you want:
Add your web sites
Go to the Httdocs folder create a folder named old, cut and paste all loose files (not directories)
Then copy or create your own website folders:
You will access to them like this:
Xampp on windows: use MySQL on the command line
cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin
Set the root password:
mysqladmin.exe -u root password yourpassword
Connect to mysql:
mysql.exe --user=root --password=yourpassword
Load SQL file:
source c:/db/my_database.sql;
If all this fails reset root password to empty by executing: c:/xampp/mysql/resetroot.bat
Add a Virtual Host configuration
For a personalized configuration:
Add or edit files in:
So there, you can configure Xampp to work on windows and then deploy your pages and make it work on a Linux machine!
The good thing is that you don't have to spend time to install and configure these separately.
Once you've installed it you may have to configure Xampp on windows to adapt it to your needs though, so here you can see some tips and tricks to tune up your Xampp installation on Windows
Launch PHP on the command line
Add C:\xampp\php\ to your environment variable windows PATH
Append your XAMPP PHP directory at the back of what is already there ;C:\xampp\php\
Increase PHP memory limit
Edit php.ini in c:/xampp/php/php.ini
change memory_limit to whatever you want:
Add your web sites
Go to the Httdocs folder create a folder named old, cut and paste all loose files (not directories)
Then copy or create your own website folders:
You will access to them like this:
Xampp on windows: use MySQL on the command line
cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin
Set the root password:
mysqladmin.exe -u root password yourpassword
Connect to mysql:
mysql.exe --user=root --password=yourpassword
Load SQL file:
source c:/db/my_database.sql;
If all this fails reset root password to empty by executing: c:/xampp/mysql/resetroot.bat
Add a Virtual Host configuration
For a personalized configuration:
Add or edit files in:
So there, you can configure Xampp to work on windows and then deploy your pages and make it work on a Linux machine!
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