Nook Simple Touch After Rooting

My Nook Simple Touch is now a device which can read eBooks with Aldiko and write text with Jota Text Editor. But it was not an easy way because I could not make work Google Market. To root the Nook version 1.1 I followed the xda forum post and it worked after some reboots, and no android screen, then I realized that the there were no android screen at all and the reader was rooted.
Then Youtube did not work either, just Gmail.
Well, what do you expect to do with such an old device? And with an E-Ink screen you would not watch videos anyway. I managed to install olds apk applications through the ES File Explorer that was included in the rooting apps, here is what it works up to now:

  • jota-text-editor0.2.31.apk
  • aldiko-standard-2.00.081.apk
  • AlReader3Activity.apk

Well, these may not mean much but it is all that I need just to read and write on a E-Ink reader. If you read and write a lot you know that the backlit of computers, tablets and smartphones wear your eyes, so now I can even read on the web with the Opera Mini browser. With AIReader I can read mobi files too, after all we are here on Android 2. I downloaded the latest version of AIReader from Google Play and I should say that it is a wonderful light ever working application for reading many formats. I have donated, I like doing so when I really like something.
After rooting
After rooting you still have the old Nook software living together with the Buttons Saviour Menu from the rooting apps, floating on the right side of the screen. The screen remains always portrait oriented and gets on landscape when you change the settings with Aldiko or Jota Editor.
The next step is to connect a physical keyboard to type with, I am waiting for the cable adaptor that I have ordered.
And last but not least; battery on this thing lasts for ever.


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